Need to import product codes into Spire and Spire does not currently have an import tool for product codes.
pgAdmin allows you to import product codes straight into the database. You need to create a CSV-UTF8 file. You can provide Product Codes, Description, Margin, Surcharge, and Sales Department data. Please note the Sales Department data will need to be an integer of the Sales Department code.
1. Open up the pgAdmin tool
2. Select and open the database
3. Open the Schema, public
4. Open Tables, select inventory_product_codes
5. Right-click the table inventory_product_codes and select Import/Export Data.
6. Make sure Import is checked
a) Filename field: browse to the .csv file of product codes to be imported
b) Format field: csv
c) Encoding field: UTF8
7. In the Columns tab
a) required columns to import: product_code, description, default_margin, sales_acct, and surcharge_pct
c) unnecessary columns to import: delete the remaining columns that are different than above
Columns you see initially
Columns you import into the database
8. If the imported .csv file has column headers, than go to the Options tab and enable "Header"
9. Click OK and it will start the importing process
10. To view the import process, you can go to the Processes status of import to check if your import was successful.