Spire Cloud requires a stable and high-performing internet connection for an optimal experience. This article outlines the internet speed, latency requirements, and steps to test the connection to AWS regions used by Spire services.

Internet Speed Requirements

To ensure a good experience with Spire Cloud:

  • Download Speed: At least 50 Mbps.
  • Upload Speed: At least 10 Mbps.
  • Note: Higher speeds improve performance further.

Latency Guidelines

Latency significantly impacts the quality of the Spire Cloud experience. Use the ping command to test latency to the AWS data centers your client connects to.

Latency (ms)Experience Quality
< 30 msExcellent
30 - 40 msMediocre
40 - 50 msBorderline
50 - 60 msPoor (for small companies with few transactions only)
> 60 msDismal

Testing Latency

To test latency, perform the following steps at the client location:

  1. Open Command Prompt: Open a CMD prompt on any computer connected to the client's network.
  2. Run Ping Commands: Use the commands below to test latency for each AWS region Spire Cloud supports. Record the average ping time.

AWS Regions and Ping Commands

US East:

ping rds.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

US West:

ping rds.us-west-2.amazonaws.com

Canada Central:

ping rds.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com

Canada West:

ping rds.ca-west-1.amazonaws.com

By following these guidelines, you can determine whether the client’s network meets the requirements for Spire Cloud. For additional help, consult related articles or reach out to support.