Below is a description of the Spire Fields for this Import.
Please refer to the User Manual for more information on how to do Imports.
Spire 3.11 Fields | Explanation | Example |
Employee No (Required) | Employee number | BELCHR |
Name | Employee name | Bell, Christopher |
Address 1 | First address line | PO Box 123 |
Address 2 | Second address line | 123 2nd street |
Address 3 | Third address line | Unit B |
Address 4 | Fourth address line | Attn: Chris |
City | City | Langly |
Province | Province | BC |
Country | Country - 3 digit code | CAN |
Postal Code | Postal code | V2Y 0E2 |
Phone | Phone number | 555-555-5555 |
Fax | Fax number | 555-555-5555 | | ||
Web page | Web page | |
SIN (Required) | Social Insurance Number | 000000000 |
Status | Employee status; A = Active L = On leave T = Terminated | A |
Gender | Employee gender; F = Female M = Male | M |
Birth Date | Birth date | 08/08/1980 |
Hire Date | Hire date | 01/01/2024 |
Termination Date | Termination date | 03/01/2024 |
Review Date | Review date | 02/28/2024 |
Job Title | Job Title | Sales |
Payroll Department Code | Existing payroll department code | SALES |
Language Code | Language code; E = English F = French | E |
Health Number | Health number (up to 30 characters) | 1234-5678 |
Union Number | Union number (up to 30 characters) | 123456789 |
Direct Deposit | Employee is paid with direct deposit; T = Yes F = No | T |
Bank Institution | Bank institution number | 123 |
Bank Transit | Bank transit number | 12345 |
Bank Account | Bank account number | 123456789 |
Tax Table | Province or State for taxes | BC |
Federal TD1 Claim | Federal TD1 Claim form amount | 15705 |
Provincial TD1 Claim | Provincial TD1 Claim form amount | 12580 |
Child care | Amount used for child or other support payments, as authorized by a tax services office or tax center. The timecard Taxable amount will be reduced by the pay period portion of this annual amount. | 500 |
Remote amount | Under the heading “Deduction for living in a prescribed zone”, enter the calculated annual amount for the employee living in a northern or intermediate zone. | 0 |
Additional tax deductions (TD1 page 2) | Additional tax deductions (TD1 page 2) | 100 |
Estimated Expenses (comission) | Estimated expenses for commission remunerated employees only | 200 |
Estamated Pay (comission) | Estimated pay for commission remunerated employees only | 1500 |
Pay Periods | The number of pay periods that employee is paid per year | 24 |
Retain Vacation Pay | Retain employee's vacation; T = Yes F = No | T |
Vacation Rate | Vacation percentage rate this employee receives for vacation pay | 4 |
Vacation Owed | Vacation owed | 0 |
WCB Rate | WCB (Work Safe) rate for this employee | 1.4 |
WCB Assessable | Annual WCB (Work Safe) assessable amount | 102100 |
Dental Benefits | Dental benefits; 1 = Not eligible to access any dental care insurance, or coverage of dental services of any kind 2 = Payee only 3 = Payee, spouse and dependent children 4 = Payee and their spouse 5 = Payee and their dependent children | 1 |
Last Year Dental Benefits | Last year dental benefits; 1 = Not eligible to access any dental care insurance, or coverage of dental services of any kind 2 = Payee only 3 = Payee, spouse and dependent children 4 = Payee and their spouse 5 = Payee and their dependent children | 1 |