Below is a description of the Spire Fields for this Import.
Please refer to the User Manual for more information on how to do Imports.
Spire 3.11 Fields | Explanation | Example |
Customer No (Required) | Customer No | ABC123 |
Name | Customer Name | ABC Company |
Ship-to Name | Name for the Ship To Address | LANGLEY |
Address 1 | Address Line 1 | PO Box 123 |
Address 2 | Address Line 2 | |
Address 3 | Address Line 3 | |
Address 4 | Address Line 4 | |
City | City | Langley |
Province | Province (2 digit code) | BC |
Country | Country (3 digit code) | CAN |
Postal Code | Postal Code | V2E 0E2 |
Phone | Phone number | 555-555-5555 |
Fax | Fax number | 555-555-5555 |
Email address | | |
Web page | Company URL | |
Ship Via Code | Shipping Method Code | 01 |
Contact #1 Name | First Contact name | Jane |
Contact #1 Tel No. | First Contact phone number | 555-555-5555 |
Contact #1 cell | First Contact cell number | 555-555-5555 |
Contact #1 other | First Contact other | Office Admin. |
Contact #1 email | First Contact email | |
Contact #1 type | First Contact type; Not working in version 3.11 | Accounting |
Contact #2 Name | Second Contact name | Bill |
Contact #2 Tel No. | Second Contact phone number | 555-555-5555 |
Contact #2 cell | Second Contact cell phone | 555-555-5555 |
Contact #2 other | Second Contact other | Bill junior |
Contact #2 email | Second Contact email | |
Contact #2 type | Second Contact type; Not working in version 3.11 | Sales |
Contact #3 Name | Third Contact name | Bill Senior |
Contact #3 Tel No. | Third Contact phone number | 555-555-5555 |
Contact #3 cell | Third Contact cell phone | 555-555-5555 |
Contact #3 other | Third Contact other | CEO |
Contact #3 email | Third Contact email | |
Contact #3 type | Third Contact type; Not working in version 3.11 | Main |
Ship To On Hold | Hold Address check box on the Address; F = Not on hold T = On hold | F |
Sales Tax 1 | First Sales Tax Code | 1 |
Sales Tax 2 | Second Sales Tax Code | 2 |
Sales Tax 3 | Third Sales Tax Code | 3 |
Sales Tax 4 | Fourth Sales Tax Code | 4 |
Sales Tax 1 Exempt No | First Sales Tax Exempt Number | 123456 |
Sales Tax 2 Exempt No | Second Sales Tax Exempt Number | 234567 |
Sales Tax 3 Exempt No | Third Sales Tax Exempt Number | 345678 |
Sales Tax 4 Exempt No | Fourth Sales Tax Exempt Number | 456789 |
Selling price level | Selling Price Level | 01 |
Revenue GL Account | Revenue GL Account of the Ship To Address for use when the Company Setting "Override Sales Account" is checked under Customers | 41300 |
Warehouse | Default warehouse for the Ship To Address | VA |
Salesperson | Default Salesperson for the Ship To Address | Mary |
Territory Code | Default Territory Code for the Ship To Address | DESIGNERS |
Last Invoice No | Customer's last invoice number posted | 0000620387 |
Last Invoice Date | Customer's last date invoice date | 01/15/2024 |
Credit Type | Customer’s Credit Limit Type; 0 = No Credit 1 = Unlimited Credit 2 = Limited Credit | 2 |
Credit Limit | Customer's credit limit | 1000 |
On Hold | Customer's on hold flag; F = Not on hold T = On hold | F |
Status | Customer's current status; A = Active I = Inactive P = Prospect | A |
Statement Method | Customer's Statements setting; B = Both form and email E = Email F = Form N = Not required | E |
Invoice Method | Customer's Invoices setting; B = Both form and email E = Email F = Form N = Not required | E |
PO Number Required | Customer's purchase order number required flag; F = No T = Yes | F |
Apply Financial Charges | Customer's status for charging service / finance charges; F = Not exempt, charge service fee T = Exempt, do not charge fee | T |
Discount | Customer's default invoice discount % that is applied after line discounts | 2 |
Receivable Account | GL Account for Accounts Receivables | 11210 |
User Defined 1 | Value for User Defined 1 field that is set in Company Settings > Variables and is displayed in the General tab | WHOLESALE |
User Defined 2 | Value for User Defined 1 field that is set in Company Settings > Variables and is displayed in the General tab | Misc. |
Currency | Customer currency | CAD |
Special Code | Special Code field in the General tab; A-Z for use only in reporting and filtering. | A |
Terms Code | Existing Payment Terms Code | NET30 |
Default Ship To ID | Default Ship To Address ID | LANGLEY |
Reference | Reference field in the General tab | Reference |