Earlier versions of Spire allowed only 3 different contact labels on address records. Labels for each were entered in the respective sections of Company Settings where contacts are supported; Customers, Vendors, Employees, Salespersons, Warehouses, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and your Company Address.

Upgrading to Spire 3.8 or later moves all contact type labels from every section, into this new consolidated Contact Type list.

 Please edit the Contact Labels in Company SettingsCustomers, Employees and Vendors in Spire 3.7 or lower, prior to upgrading to Spire 3.8 or higher, to make the Contact Types in Spire 3.8 be the most useful to your company. Otherwise, after conversion you will have contact type labels 'Contact #1', 'Contact #2' and 'Contact #3'. These can still be edited, however changes will be pushed to all areas that didn’t have specific labels. For example, changing a Contact Type from “Contact #1” to “A/P” would change it for all contacts, not just Vendors but also Customers or Employee contacts. 

Contact Types are used not only for organization and labeling, but also are used for more efficient Emailing in batch groups and for selecting recipients of forms and reports.