The Inventory menu has a feature called Inventory Reallocate.  The function is located on the Inventory menu for users who have access to the option.  The purpose of this function is to re-state on-order and committed quantities in inventory, based on the state of Sales Orders, Purchases Orders, Production Orders and Inventory Adjustment/Transfer lines.

It is recommended that all other users refrain from manipulating inventory records (sales, production, purchases, adjustments) before you click Begin to start the inventory reallocate process.

The purpose of the Inventory Reallocate process is to re-state various values of inventory.

Under normal use, it is not necessary to perform this function, as Spire automatically keeps track of committed and on-order quantities.  This takes place as part of sales, purchase and inventory processing. 

Please contact your support person if Inventory Reallocate regularly makes changes to the Inventory values.

Inventory reallocate does the following:

  • Every inventory record has the committed value set to the total of:
    • shipped items on all Sales Orders 
    • committed items on Production Orders 
    • quantities on Saved Inventory Adjustments/Transfers.
  • Every inventory record has the on-order value set to the total of:
    • order quantity minus received quantity on Issued Purchase Orders
    • build quantity minus built quantity on Pending and In Progress Production Orders
    • transfer to quantity on Saved Inventory Transfers.
  • All Serial and Lot number records have their temp allocations flag reset
  • After the process has finished, a list of inventory records where either the committed or on-order value has changed is presented. If no list is presented then no adjustments were necessary.

    The Copy Inventory button here will copy the list of adjusted inventory records to the clipboard.  This can be pasted to a document for subsequent review.

Item Allocations Report

Prior to running the Inventory Reallocate, it is suggested to run the Item Allocations report to see where the quantity values have been allocated for an Inventory item.  This can help to determine why the quantity values are different then expected. The steps below will instruct on how to run the report:  

  • From the Inventory module list view, highlight the single or group of Inventory items. 
  • Print and select the Item Allocations report

The report will show details of transactions that associated with the quantity values.  

Include Serial/Lot Numbers (available in versions 3.11.3 and later)

Note: Please do not run this in a Live environment unless you are sure that all of the serial transactions exist and the serial numbers were created in the UI and not in pgAdmin.  

Before beginning the process, you have the option of additionally checking the serial and lot number details on outstanding transactions, in addition to the net quantities.